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Drying Oregano

September 29, 2008

I’ve been giving my dehydrator a lot of work lately. Earlier this week I dried oregano from my garden.

It ended up yielding exactly a pint of dried oregano. Honestly, it’s oregano in there, not salsa.

I told Lawrence that I thought it would be enough to last us all year. He disagreed. Apparently he has big plans for drinking oregano tea this winter. It is a tea that he used to drink growing up, whenever he got sick. It has very powerful antiseptic properties, that can’t be argued. But, his plans for drinking it for pleasure. Ugh. I think that it tastes awful. I can gulp it down for medicinal purposes, but can’t imagine savoring a cup. He enjoys it however, so I will dry more oregano!

9 Comments leave one →
  1. Angelina permalink
    September 29, 2008 3:20 am

    Wow! That’s a really nice amount.

    Oregano tea sounds really pungent.

    Have you got more you need to dry this week? I have just come home with lots of grapes. I will be making grape juice but I also want to try drying some. I also need to dry some herbs. So I was thinking of asking to borrow your dehydrator to help me with my extra heavy load of drying needs.

  2. Lisa permalink
    September 29, 2008 3:50 am

    I do actually have a lot of drying I need to do this week, but let me know what day you’d like to do it and I bet I can work around and let you borrow it.

  3. Jana permalink
    September 29, 2008 2:33 pm

    Oh Lisa I needed that post to get myself drying my herbs before we leave. I was just noticing how much rosemary I have.

    I normally use a brown paper bag to dry my herbs but I am running out of time.

    I have apples in the dryer right now.

  4. Angelina permalink
    September 29, 2008 4:40 pm

    What else are you drying this week?

  5. Rane permalink
    September 29, 2008 6:12 pm

    Have you use Thyme the same way?
    It is also good for colds. Just steep it and drink. And also if you have a sore throat you drink clove tea, same as above. It will numb your throat. Just use whole clove and steep it for a while. You can use fresh ginger about the size of your thumb and chop it really small, boil it in a pot with about 2 cups of water. Boil for about 5 minutes on med hi. After it is done you add honey and lemon. *do not use sugar when you are sick because that feeds the bacteria honey does not.*
    You look so busy … now I want a dehydrator.
    Take care,

  6. Lisa permalink
    September 29, 2008 6:35 pm

    Jana, I prefer fresh rosemary and it grows all year up here, so the only thing I ever dry it for is to use in soap.

    Angelina-Several things. Wait and see!

    Rane-I do the fresh ginger infusion with honey and lemon. Great stuff! It’s a pretty potent concoction.

  7. Allie permalink
    September 29, 2008 7:06 pm

    I have about a pound or two of mint to start drying, and I really need to get too it. I knew oregano was an antiseptic, but I never thought to use it as a tea. What a great idea!

  8. Lisa permalink
    October 1, 2008 4:54 pm

    Allie-Thanks for stopping by. We dryed a lot of mint earlier this year, so I didn’t cut any to dry for the fall.

  9. Lisa permalink
    October 1, 2008 4:54 pm

    Allie-Thanks for stopping by. We dryed a lot of mint earlier this year, so I didn’t cut any to dry for the fall.

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